Ball Mastery: Outside Cut

Welcome to our Ball Mastery Series! In this series we will be covering tactics and strategies you can learn to improve your game.

Ball Mastery: Outside Cut

The Ouside Cut will fool your opposition player during a game, because they think you are going to pass the ball and in fact, you’ll be using this move to turn out of trouble, or create an attack!

Practice this move to improve your skill on the ball and learn to use your hips to pivot and turn quickly.

Watch the video and then start your training - Don’t forget to clear a space before you start, make sure you have water to hydrate as you train and that you have your timer ready!

Outside Cut:

FA Football Coach Phil Novell

Coach Phil’s Top Tip

Practicing on your own, outside of team training will help you focus on your areas of weakness and improve them. So, make sure you take time to regularly work on your game.
— Phil Novell Head Coach, Ultimate Footballers